(Deutsch) Winter Rouladen

The next recipe is ready. This time I created a dish that will take a bit more time but you’ll see it’s worth it and can warm up the coldest winter day.

Ingredients (2 Portions)

Effort: high

4 Chickenschnitzel (butterflied chickenbreast)

1 Leek

100g ready-to-eat chestnuts

150 ml milk

100g ricotta

1 tbsp. vanilla powder

1 pinch of nutmeg

1 tbsp. white balsamico

1 tbsp. whisky

salt, pepper


First you will pound the meat into very thin pieces of meat. Afterwards rub a mixture of garlic and olive oil onto every piece of meat and put them into the fridge afterwards.

Next you have to blend the chestnuts together with the milk, the ricotta, the spices, the vinegar and the whisky. This will result in a lovely creamy chestnut mouse.

As soon as the chestnut cream is ready you can take out the schnitzels from the fridge again and spread enough of the cream on every piece. Afterwards you have to furl the meat into roulades and put them into a piece of lengthwise cut leek.

Die Rouladen kommen nun noch für 30 Minuten bei 200°C in das Backrohr und können anschließend mit beliebigen Gemüse und einer Sauce serviert werden. Im Beispielbild wurde das Gericht mit gebratenen Erbsenschoten und Pastinakensauce serviert.

Put the roulades into the oven for 30 minutes at 200 °C and serve them with some vegetables and a sauce. In the image you can see the dish served with fried peas and a parsnips sauce.

Happy Cooking!

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