papaya sausage

Papaya Bratwurst

Ingredients (>4 Portions) Effort: very high 500g pork neck 500g pork shoulder 300g pork belly 20g dried Papaya seeds 40g salt 1 tsp. paprika powder pig intestine (e.g. Preparation First […]

wild garlic chicken with topinambur chips

Bärlauch Hendl mit Topinambur | Wild Garlic Drumsticks with Sunchoke Chips

As you may have noticed because of my posting frequency, I ended my student life and jumped into working life. Nevertheless I want to try to keep up the work with some delicious and easy to make dishes, which are even possible to make after a hard workday. This time I found some nice sunchokes in the shop and decided to use their sweetness to create a sweet-sour favored dish. I came up with marinated chicken drumsticks and sunchoke chips as side dish.

Suomi Maki

Zutaten (2 Portionen) Aufwand: hoch 1 Packung Lachsscheiben (~200g)150g Gerstenreis1 gekochte rote Rübe, rote Rübenscheiben aus dem Glas~ 4 Noriblätter100 ml Brühe1 SchalotteWasser, Salz1 TL Zucker2 TL Wasabicreme Zubereitung Für […]